The restoration made with relax wax ( Heraeus company Germany) and inlay wax ( SHOFU company Japan) as the wax pattern has the best accuracy ( marginal fit: 90 m); 而以舒张蜡(德国Heraeus公司)及嵌体蜡(日本SHOFU公司)作为熔模材料所制成的修复体精度最佳(边缘浮升量为90μm);
Other new technology were adopted in Dong Zhou period, for example: lost wax investment cast, framed red copper, gold and silver inlay, marking, gilt silver, gold and silver stickers. 这些工艺为西周、东周青铜器所沿用,但到东周时期又出现了火蜡熔模、铸镶红铜、镶嵌金银、刻纹、鎏金银、贴金银等新工艺。